What is Fourth Generation Programming Language?

The language which is used to create programs is called a programming language. It comprises a set of instructions that are used to produce various kinds of output.

A Fourth Generation (Programming) Language (4GL) is a grouping of programming languages that attempt to get closer than 3GLs to human language, a form of thinking, and conceptualization and are easier to use than 3GLs. It is a non-procedural language which means that the programmer defines what has to be done instead of how the task is to be completed.I4GL is more familiar and similar to human language. A compiler translates the whole program once i.e. it generates the object code for the program along with the list of errors. The execution is very fast. It allows users to develop software. These languages are usually designed for specific purposes and are commonly used in database programming and scripts such as PHP, Python, SQL, and many more. 4GLs make programming easier, more efficient, and more effective for users with less programming skills.

4th generation language is also known as a domain-specific language or a high-productivity language.

Components of Fourth Generation:

The following are the components of 4GL:

Features of 4GL:

Types of 4GL:

Advantages of 4GL:

Disadvantages of 4GL: