A payment receipt is a piece of tangible evidence that proves that a specific amount of payment has been made in exchange for goods or services. In general, payment receipts are used whenever there is a money transaction being conducted. The basic purpose of the payment receipts is to notify both parties about the successful exchange of services with the money.
Since payment receipts are used in almost every organization, educational institutes also use them to keep proof of payment. A school fee payment receipt is given to the parents or guardians of the child to request the fee they are liable to pay.
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A fee receipt is of two kinds: one for an educational institution, e.g., a school or college, and another for services rendered by a consulting company, e.g., legal or medical. Both kinds of fee receipts are different. The purpose, however, of these receipts is the same: charging money for specified services and keeping records after payment is deposited against those charges.
Generally, the fee receipt has the following data:
The school fee payment receipt is signed and stamped by the person dispatching it. It is also signed by the person who deposits the fee according to the mode of payment specified.
A fee payment receipt template fulfills all the general requirements, but it can be altered a bit and customized to fit other requirements as well.
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Making the school fee receipt is very simple, as its format is the same as the general receipts. Following are the steps to be followed to create the payment receipt to be used by the school:
The school fee payment receipt template is created in MS Word format. This template eases the process of fee calculation. Many schools prefer using the school fee payment system because it is error-free and speeds up the process of fee calculation. The name of the school, child, grade, and some other details are required to be changed before printing this ready-made template.
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